豆瓣网友:他经过慢慢追索才来到了这片蓝色的草地上,他的梦想一定已经离得他如此之近以至于他几乎不会抓不到它了。他不知道他的梦想已经被甩在了他的身后,已经隐藏在了城市以外的冥蒙之中,在那里共和国的黑暗的土地在黑夜中延伸着He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night.,黎妙雪导演对钟欣潼说:"闭上嘴,听着。贼瘾上来了就是贼瘾上来了"那个生活嘛,就是生下来活下去,就是你妈把你生下来,你得自己活下去。我知道你是王子,可我不是公主,这一切好像梦境啊,可是梦境太美,现实太真,你离我太遥远。我没有哥哥听到说会守护我们的时候觉得哥哥可能就是这样吧,真的很高兴。所以希望以后能一直被守护着,这场比赛,不希望再这样乱来下去。