豆瓣网友:如果你要救我 你必须要救得有意义,如果你现在要丢下我不管,就跟你昨天没有开门是一样的,跟让我死在你面前一样。If you saved my life, you must've saved it for a good reason.If you throw me out now,it's like you never opened your door like you,let me die right there in front of it.,导演对说:"我看不见尾巴,我受不了,智商有时候还他妈不如智商的"淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。Have you given any thought to your future?你有没有为将来打算过呢。Charles Xavier: About fifty years from now? As in the future "fifty years from now"?查尔斯:大约五十年后?在未来的五十年?