豆瓣网友:Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。在这绚烂的日落景象中,我慢慢领悟了父亲所说的整体胜于局部总和的道理。,导演对刘前程说:"茶只要是热的就未必难喝,女人只要年轻就未必难看。"不管任何时候任何场合,我每见到你一次就送你一只千纸鹤,不管你是否接受。四年以前,某dm与我讨论何为抢票,当时我说抢票就是为了千万玉米人人有票,不杯具,有vip。在这世上,每个人都活得这样辛劳,我曾经爱慕过的人,我曾经憧憬过的人,我曾经爱过的人,我曾经恨过的人。最后我才知道,他们每一个人,其实都和我一样,活得含辛茹苦。我们怎么能不老?