豆瓣网友:On my own, pretending hes beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him, I feel his arms around me. And when I lose my way, I close my eyes and he has found me. In the rain, the pavement shines like silver. All the lights are misty in the river. In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight. And all I see is him and me forever and forever!一个人,假装他在我身旁。孤单单,他陪我走到天亮。他不在,我却能感到他的拥抱。迷路时只需闭上双眼,他就会找到我。雨朦胧,地面银光闪烁。看街灯,映河水如烟如梦。黑暗中,树枝间缀满星辰。我仿佛看见我俩相伴,直到永远!,埃里克·侯麦导演对夏洛特·韦里说:"仰望喀纳斯 的星空,寻找属于我的星座。"我什么都不怕,我唯一怕的是,不能让你过上好日子,我实现不了自己的承诺。我已经忘了,我连冰淇淋是什么口味儿我都忘了,我再也没吃过冰淇淋。 (最悲的一句了)人的灵魂只有在孤独独处时,才散发智慧的光芒!若是混迹人群人云亦云,灵魂上也会笼罩上一层尘埃,智慧被蒙蔽。孤独会让灵魂逐渐的澄明。渐渐清澈宛如琉璃,自然生出智慧。