豆瓣网友:Some swim.我一直等着,等着自己的状况变好,但我自己从未做过什么,人生就这么平白无辜地浪费了。ELIZABETH ABBOTT: I kept waiting, thinking I would do something to change my circumstance Do something But I never did It's an awful waste, you can never get it back wasted time If we're going to have an affair, you're never to look at me during the day, we must always part by sunrise, and we can never say I And when it is over I will send you a card that will simply say goodbye Those are the rules,迈克·米切尔导演对本·阿弗莱克说:"要从心里拿走一个人,很痛,很难。范玮琪"人一世,物一世,点都要留番啲"精"彩回忆畀自己呀嘛!这里每一寸土地都有我们中国人的血,每一寸土地都属于我们中国人,我绝不容许任何人霸占我们的国家!老板娘:不用你闹,我自揭身世。我三岁死了爹,四岁死了爹,五,六,七八岁都死过爹,十岁勾引男人,十一岁勾引男人,你的男人也被我勾了。